Friday, March 5, 2010

Cherry Bedroom Furniture

Now, the steps you will need to take depend on a number of different factors. For instance, if your bedroom is full of bright colors and loud accessories, then redoing some of your bedroom furniture in muted tones may not be the best plan to follow. However you can often push the limits of your bedroom’s color schemes a bit without going over the line. The condition of the piece you will be working with also plays a large part in what you will be able to do with it, as well as the materials the piece is made from. These are all things you should keep in mind as you are setting out your course of action.
One of the most interesting changes you can make to a piece of bedroom furniture is to antique or distress it. This term actually refers to any of a vast number of techniques that essentially have one goal: making a piece of furniture appear to be older than it actually is. This is very useful when working with a piece of furniture which has already begun to show signs of wear and tear on its surface, as in many cases those signs will actually work in favor of the effect.
There are many ways to achieve an antiqued appearance. One of the easiest methods is by using a few painting tricks. First, make sure your piece is clean and sand some of the edges a bit to give it a softer look. Then, start off by applying a light colored coat of paint. Usually, you should use a beige color for this, or something similar, but the exact color can vary, depending on the color scheme of your bedroom. Then, once the first coat is dry, go back and apply another coat, using a darker color of paint. Usually a shade of deep brown is best for this, but again the exact color can vary to meet you color scheme. Before the new coat dries, wipe most of it off. What remains will give your bedroom furniture an excellent aged look.

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